Confession: I went running on a tiny island in the Bahamas this morning and I felt guilty that we have generous friends who have lent us their home here, and we can take the time to enjoy it in this season of our lives.  And as I am running feeling all the guilty feelings, here’s what I’m thinking…

I’m wondering how many of you read the post on Wednesday about doing good, and you sighed deep, and your shoulders slumped, and you Just. Felt. Tired. Even more tired maybe than usual. Because for you it’s a season of weariness.

  • You’re a single 20-something working two jobs while trying to put yourself through grad school.
  • You’re a business owner with huge responsibilities to bring in revenue, and cast vision, and lead your staff well.
  • You’re a married mom working outside the home and raising kids while trying to keep your marriage alive.
  • You’re homeschooling 4 kids and volunteering as a coach or a deacon or a leader in some capacity.
  • You’re a single mom juggling job, daycare, car-pooling, finances, house repairs and….

You’re stretched to the max.

You read the post and wanted to throw something at the screen and yell, “I don’t need a kick in the pants! I need a latte and a massage!”

Maybe you need to be invited to crawl up on your Father’s lap and hear “Well done good and faithful servant. You’re doing just fine pushing back the darkness in your corner of the world. Don’t worry. I’m here. Everything is going to be fine.”

Maybe you need to be reminded to be gentle with yourself.

Aren’t you so dang thankful that we’re not God’s cookie cutter creations?  He’s personally in love with each one of us as if there was only one of us. Every sigh, every stress, every sore muscle.

He knows the number of times you got up with that sick child last night, and the number of resumés you’ve sent out, and the number of hours you’ve studied, and the number on your pay check that is lower than the number on your bills.

Sometimes God wants us to spur us with DO GOOD, and sometimes He wants us to rest in YOU’VE DONE GOOD.

So rest in Him. Soak up HIS goodness. Maybe in stewarding the gifts and talents and passions God’s given you, you don’t need to do more, but less.  Maybe while you’re resting, God might whisper in your ear something you need to STOP DOING instead of something you need to DO.

As we approach the end of the week and Sabbath, I pray each of us will listen to the still small voice of the Lord who loves us everyday, as is.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Mt. 11:28-30

 The survey closes this weekend. Click this link  to share your thoughts. It will only take a minute – promise!