The other day ended up being one when the refrain “not good enough” drowned out any other tune.  Like a pop song on the radio you can’t get out of your head, the words persisted.

They were magnified through headphones of my experience throughout the day.  They were the  filter through which I heard the well-meaning words of my husband.

I couldn’t fix a problem.  “Not good enough.”

My idea wasn’t taken into account. “Not good enough.”

Someone was chosen over me.  “Not good enough.”

I didn’t win. “Not good enough.”

“Every single thing you’re doing in your life, someone else is doing a better version of it!”

This has never happened to you, right?

Or maybe, just maybe…

You are single.  And you’re at one. more. wedding and the song “Not good enough” pops into your head.

Or you lose your temper with your kids.  “Not good enough.”

The healing you’ve prayed and prayed for hasn’t come. “Not good enough.”

You don’t get the raise, or into the grad school you want, or the promotion.  “Not good enough.”

Or you’re just an everyday person with an everyday job who’s not being noticed for “remarkable” in the world’s eyes.

And Satan hums, “Not good enough.”

Late in the afternoon I sat on a bench and a dragonfly landed on my shoe.  Beautiful and right and “good enough” at just doing his dragonfly-y thing.IMG_7372

Why is it so hard to delight in being who God made us to be?

I thought of the catchy tune Satan had been singing in my ears all day and I thought of the lyrics God wants me to hear instead.






It’s a hard thing to replace the siren song of the Accuser.  But  there’s a different ballad the Affirmer desires to sing over us.  We need to listen to it again and again until IT’S our go-to…the anthem we can’t get out of our head.

For the Lord your God is living among you.
    He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With his love, he will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17

What are the lies Satan sings to you?

I’ve been listening to this below on repeat.  Hope it puts a new song in your heart today.