Recently I listened to a talk about the characteristics of different generations that was…fascinating.

As I heard the description of Gen Z (also known as Homelanders because their generation started when Homeland Security was also birthed right after 9/11), I thought these are assumptions we ALL are tempted to make!

Gen Z R us! Take a look…

Our World Today
World is full of: So we may assume:
Speed (think microwave, INSTAgram) Slow is bad
Convenience Hard is bad
Entertainment Boring is bad
Nurture (super concerned with safety

in a world with 9/11 & terrorism)

Risk is bad
Entitlement Labor is bad.

The fascinating thing as I looked at these assumptions in the right hand column, is that these are all at odds with spiritual formation… at odds with the values and lifestyle of Jesus!

What we assume is bad, God uses for good…to form us into His likeness.

What does that mean for us? I think a huge win is actually just being aware of our assumptions and acknowledging that we are going to have to go against the flow.

When we engage in spiritual practices we intentionally choose what is counter-intuitive to our comfort-driven, instant-gratification, consumeristic bent. CRAZY!

How can we choose slow, silent, inconvenient, risky, or hard today? Not just for the sake of choosing it, but to step into it asking Jesus to form us into His likeness.

My hard, inconvenient, slow, boring choice involved being on the phone for 45 minutes with a customer service person. It forced me to think about the person on the other end of the line, not as an obstacle, but as a beloved child of God. It forced me to admit that the world does not revolve around me and my wishes. It forced me to consider acceptance and patience as better alternatives to anger.