So when I was in college, “The Rule” (or at least the way I remember the Rule) was you had at least one half hour at 6 a.m. in a Solitary Place for your Official Quiet Time – 10 minutes of prayer time and 20 minutes of Bible reading.  Extra credit for journaling and lighting a candle. The truly Spiritual would be silent and HEAR A WORD FROM THE LORD. It felt legalistic and a little oppressive rather than life-giving, but what the heck, I’m a first born rule-follower so I gave it my best shot.

Then I grew up and realized (maybe in one of my Official Morning Quiet Times) that Jesus never Tweeted about #quiettime. He never added an 11th commandment about rules, regulations and minute breakdown for what was the minimal requirement for time with Him.

Instead He said, “Come to me…”, “Abide in Me”, “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…”come to me
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